“After the Bushfire” Literacy Grade 2


After the Bushfire is a 2-page literacy lesson. A positive story of recovery followed by writing tasks. Focus is ‘bossy e’ at the end of words. Encourages independent reading.  


After the Bushfire

After the Bushfire is a 2-page literacy lesson pack for Grade 2. Text tells the story of bushfire recovery. Focus words ending in e such as gate and home. The family farm was burnt. The house is gone and the land is black. The happy ending is that the land is turning green and Dad is building a new house. The story may help children deal with misfortune. The pet dog is called Lucky.

Follow-on writing tasks:

~words ending in ‘bossy e’,
~selecting the right word in a sentence, eg,
through or threw.
~Review questions with supported answers.

Some Links on this website:  “Daffodils” Literacy Grade 2,   “Ben’s Hens” Literacy Grade 2,   “Word Lists–Phonics” Prep to Grade 2,   “Three Places to Visit” Literacy Grade 2,   “Mrs Mellow’s Car” Literacy Grade 2,   Teacher Shortage 2023, Post,  “Sam’s Swing” Literacy Grade 2, 3.  3 For Free, Grade 2

Link to support for family and especially children after bushfires:  https://emergingminds.com.au/resources/in-focus-supporting-your-child-after-a-bushfire/

Fair use/dealing claimed for illustrations.