“Multiples” Maths Practice Grade 5, 6


Multiples Maths Practice is a times tables practice sheet. Find out how well a student knows the times tables with this quick review page.



Multiples Maths Practice

Multiples Maths Practice is one page of tables practice for higher primary school children. It teaches students the meaning of the word multiple with an explanation at the top. They will know by age 11 or 12 what a factor is. So 5 x 4 = 20.  The numbers 5 and 4 are factors of 20, and 20 is the multiple of 5 and 4.

A useful practice sheet, there are about 50 equations laid out in 3 columns. Gives a good idea about students’ tables mastery – with tables practice as well.  It should take about 5 minutes to do.

Some Links:   “Jack’s Maths Problems” Grade 5,

Using a text book helps to confirm what the student’s level is. Here is the link to one supplier. https://primaryeducationbooks.com.au/mathematics-books/