“Useful Tools” Technology Grade 3


Useful Tools is a simply written text. For early to middle Primary School.  Common words, illustrations.  Lever, wheel, inclined plane. Very short incidental writing tasks.


Useful Tools

Useful Tools is a 2-page literacy and technology lesson pack  for Grade 3. A reading task with incidental review questions. The language level is right for this age group.

This unit treats:

~the lever, wheel and axle, and the inclined plane.  These are known as simple tools
~Introduces children to three terms: lever, wheel, axle, and hub and frame.
~Several diagrams.

Some Links on this website: “Horse to Horse Power” Literacy Grade 3-4,   “Sam’s Swing” Literacy Grade 2, 3,   “Let’s Make Kites” Literacy Grade 4,   “Windy Day” Literacy, Grades 3, 4,   “Birthday Party” Literacy Grade 3,  “Mum on the Run” Literacy Grade 2-3

Link: This can be read as an extension activity.

Fair use/dealing claimed for illustrations.